The wood from pine trees has numerous uses. However, another product derived from the same tree also holds significant importance in the industry and directly impacts the planted forest sector. Pine resin is a raw material for two main products (rosin and turpentine), which, in turn, lead to many other products. Rosin is used to make adhesives, glues, paints, and varnishes. Turpentine, on the other hand, is used to produce solvents and other chemical compounds for the pharmaceutical industry, for example.
Brazil produces an average of 190,000 tons of pine resin annually. In 2024, despite lower production, prices have improved for producers. The price per ton, which was R$ 2,400 in 2023, is now around R$ 4,100. These prices are regularly updated by the Brazilian Resin Producers Association (ARESB), an organization founded in 1984 that monitors the pine resin market in the country.
Another noteworthy fact is that about 60% of Brazil’s pine resin is produced within the state of São Paulo.